Longevity pay is provided to all full-time employees who are not on leave without pay the first workday of the month and who have at least two years of lifetime service credit. Part-time employees do not receive longevity pay on a proportional basis. Those ineligible for longevity pay include members of the legislature, individuals in public office, temporary workers, or academic employees of institutions of higher education. Length of service for longevity pay is determined in the same manner as length of service for annual leave. Legislative service is included in determining lifetime service credit purposes of longevity pay. The present schedule for longevity pay is shown in the table below:

Years of Employment

Amount Received per Month

Less than 2 years


Greater than 2 years but less than 4 years


Greater than 4 years but less than 6 years


Greater than 6 years but less than 8 years


Greater than 8 years but less than 10 years


Greater than 10 years but less than 12 years


Greater than 12 years but less than 14 years


Greater than 14 years but less than 16 years


Greater than 16 years but less than 18 years


Greater than 18 years but less than 20 years


Greater than 20 years but less than 22 years


Greater than 22 years but less than 24 years


Greater than 24 years but less than 26 years


Greater than 26 years but less than 28 years


Greater than 28 years but less than 30 years


Greater than 30 years but less than 32 years


Greater than 32 years but less than 34 years


Greater than 34 years but less than 36 years


Greater than 36 years but less than 38 years


Greater than 38 years but less than 40 years


Greater than 40 years but less than 42 years


Greater than 42 years or more


Employees should inform the Human Resources Department of any prior state service. No credit will be given until the written verification of employment is received from the agency.

NOTE: Police Officers who are in positions that are considered hazardous duty will receive hazardous duty pay in lieu of longevity pay.